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Bardic Music

November 30 2012, 23:00 Bardic Music

Bardic Music

Saw this on Facebook, I laughed so hard

November 30 2012, 22:35 this Facebook laughed hard

Saw this on Facebook, I laughed so hard

Mettez des capotes !

November 30 2012, 22:06 Mettez capotes

Mettez des capotes !

He's puking out the Minnehaha Falls.

November 30 2012, 21:20 He&39;s puking Minnehaha Falls.

He's puking out the Minnehaha Falls.

Close enough

November 30 2012, 21:04 Close enough

Close enough

Where we're going, we need to transform the wheels.

November 30 2012, 20:19 Where we&39;re going need

Where we're going, we need to transform the wheels.

Useless Ladder

November 30 2012, 20:05 Useless Ladder

Useless Ladder

Yeah that's my boy!

November 30 2012, 19:49 Yeah that&39;s boy!

Yeah that's my boy!

Naked me < Black Ops 2

November 30 2012, 19:35 Naked Black

Naked me < Black Ops 2


November 30 2012, 19:00 Kneel!


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