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I don't think they thought this heart shaped magnet pen through...

by Trololo August 21 2013, 23:02 9gag fun shortcuts browse

I don't think they thought this heart shaped magnet pen through...

We need a distraction!

by Trololo August 21 2013, 23:01 9gag fun shortcuts browse

We need a distraction!

This makes me mad

by Trololo August 21 2013, 23:01 9gag fun shortcuts browse

This makes me mad

To the young lady earlier in the gym.

by Trololo August 21 2013, 23:00 9gag browse shortcuts keyboard

To the young lady earlier in the gym.

As the new employee, I am glad they cleared this out

by Trololo August 21 2013, 23:00 9gag fun shortcuts browse

As the new employee, I am glad they cleared this out

Friend's cat - I call her Kitler

by Trololo August 21 2013, 22:51 9gag browse shortcuts keyboard

Friend's cat - I call her Kitler

This is stupid

by Trololo August 21 2013, 22:51 9gag fun shortcuts browse

This is stupid

My life long questions have been answered... Sort of...

by Trololo August 21 2013, 22:50 9gag fun shortcuts browse

My life long questions have been answered... Sort of...

It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

by Trololo August 21 2013, 22:50 9gag browse shortcuts keyboard

It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest...

The best looking guy

by Trololo August 21 2013, 22:50 9gag fun shortcuts browse

The best looking guy

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