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This looks like a cover of a murder mystery book

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:16 9gag fun shortcuts browse

This looks like a cover of a murder mystery book

I think I've matured

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:16 9gag fun shortcuts browse

I think I've matured

Putin can do anything.

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:16 9gag fun shortcuts browse

Putin can do anything.

My Rolex watch!

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:16 9gag fun shortcuts browse

My Rolex watch!

I'm pretty bad at titles, too

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:15 9gag fun shortcuts browse

I'm pretty bad at titles, too

This is bloody funny

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:15 9gag fun shortcuts browse

This is bloody funny

My friend announced the birth of her niece yesterday. Suddenly, I felt very old when realizing this

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:15 9gag fun shortcuts browse

My friend announced the birth of her niece yesterday. Suddenly, I felt very...

If bartenders can refuse to serve people that are too drunk...

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:15 9gag fun shortcuts browse

If bartenders can refuse to serve people that are too drunk...

So my very openly gay server friend got this note from a couple he waited on.

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:00 9gag fun shortcuts browse

So my very openly gay server friend got this note from a couple he waited on.

Conclusion about learning English as a second language

by Trololo July 29 2013, 09:00 9gag fun shortcuts browse

Conclusion about learning English as a second language

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