Trololololo lololo lololoooooo trololololo…
by Trololo May 22 2013, 18:35 don&39;t think your this
I don't think your mac can do this
by Trololo May 21 2013, 16:05 risk your life?
How to risk your own life?
by Trololo April 11 2013, 16:00 Follow Your Dreams
Follow Your Dreams
by Trololo March 31 2013, 19:34 think your stressful
And you think your job is stressful
by Trololo March 27 2013, 01:20 When lost your phone
When you lost your phone in Russia
by Trololo March 17 2013, 07:04 Well that&39;s your business!
Well that's not your business!
by Trololo March 17 2013, 05:04 When your calculator drunk
When your calculator is drunk
by Trololo March 13 2013, 14:50 Warning: Your childhood will
Warning: Your childhood will be ruined
by Trololo March 12 2013, 19:20 Check your eyes
Check your eyes
by Trololo March 1 2013, 19:19 Hold your breath guys
Hold your breath guys
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